A note from Music Mentor Dan Spencer:
Oh hey!
You found your way here getting a fair way through The 14 Unshakable Laws of Learning Music. Great job! I put every single thing I could think of to help you into that book.
Anyway—Our on-demand video music lessons site is currently taking most of my attention because it is proving to be moderately successful. Since our live-lesson portal is currently offline…
You can check out my recommended lessons site here so you can try three teachers from a BIG pool to choose from:
Wyzant: https://wyzant.sjv.io/Qy2Eba
As a little bonus for you, sign up here for 50% off more music books: https://music.bestmusiccoach.com/books-and-courses-sign-up
P.P.S. That link to Wyzant is an affiliate link and I will earn commissions by recommending them to you—but I will also tell you that I used to work for them way back in the day and they are a good company.