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Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ can describe the underlying rhythmic movement of a piece of music that is felt but not seen or written. This means two different people can feel a ____ in two different ways for the same music!
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
A ____ is a device or software application that produces a sound at even intervals of time (pulse) that can be sped up or slowed down. ____ speed is measured by how many times it makes a sound or “clicks” per minute. This is called “beats per minute” (BPM). Every click of the ____ is considered a “beat”.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The ____ is giving the beat or pulse with spoken words or sounds. So that all musicians know where the beat is in a song, sometimes a conductor, music director, or band leader will “____” the beat.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ is an Italian word meaning “time.” The word ____ is used in music to describe how slow or fast a piece of music or musical phrase should be played. It is also used when listening to a piece of music, to describe how fast it is being played.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
These five, parallel lines are called the _____
Which number is correct for all blank spaces?
The length of the stem of a note should be the length of ____ lines of the staff.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The single, vertical line in the middle of the staff that divides groups of notes is called a ______.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The vertical two lines at the right side of the staff are called a _____.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The two vertical lines in the middle of the staff are called a ______.
The top number of a time signature shows:
The bottom number of a time signature shows:
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
A musical ____ is a symbol that is placed at the left-hand side of a line of staff. There are many different ____s that make the notes that follow them mean different things, the most common are treble and bass ____s.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____s are used for rhythm and clapping. The ____ shows
that only rhythm and counting are needed in the music that follows.
Why Are Some Beats Strong and Some Beats Weak?
The order of strong and weak beats in 4/4 are
The order of strong and weak beats in 3/4 are
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____s are musical notations that indicate a silence for a certain amount of beats/counts.
Select all beats that apply
Whole notes can be written on
Select all beats that apply
Half notes can be written on
Select all beats that apply
Quarter notes can be written on
Which type of rest can be used in any time signature to show a full measure of silence?
Select all beats that apply
Whole rests can be written on
Select all beats that apply
Half rests can be written on
Select all beats that apply
Quarter rests can be written on
Just double checking:
Which type of rest can be used in any time signature to show a measure of silence?
Dotted notes are worth
Select all beats that apply
Dotted half notes can be written on
How many beats does a dotted half note “get” in 4/4 or 3/4 time signatures.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____s connect notes together. ____d notes are worth the rhythmic value of both the notes connected
by the ____. ____d notes are used to make the duration of notes longer by connecting notes together,
the second note does not receive an attack. ____s can connect notes in many ways.
Select all tie rules that are true
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The two vertical lines and two dots are called a _____.
What is pitch in music?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Select all possible definitions that apply. (there may be more than 1!)
What is “tone”?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
A ____ is a series of sequential pitches that takes place over time. Many songwriters and composers try to make “pleasing” ____s. What you find pleasing may be different from what someone else thinks of as pleasing. ____y is subjective, which means that everyone can feel differently about a ____, and no one is right or wrong, they just have their opinions.
Oftentimes, pleasing ____s have some pattern that implies that the pitches belong together. This is a subjective statement, but much of the time, your pattern-recognizing brain will find and enjoy the patterns of some ____s more than others.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ are names that we give to pitches. The story behind how we came up with these names is a long and complicated one involving ancient China, Greece, and a whole bunch of math. We will get to this in a later book, for now here are the facts to know.
The basic musical alphabet is the same as the first seven letters of the regular alphabet.
The basic musical alphabet can begin on any of the seven letters of the basic musical alphabet. You can count up or down the basic
musical alphabet in ascending or descending order.
The basic musical alphabet ascends and descends infinitely, repeating itself over and over again.
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ are short lines parallel to the lines of the staff. ____ can be above or below the staff. ____ extend the musical alphabet further from the staff, both ascending and descending.____ are used for writing notes that are higher or lower than the notes on the staff.
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
____s are used to tell the difference between notes in the same pitch class. ____s measure how high or low a note in a pitch class is by using the following system: the lowest C on a piano keyboard is C1. The highest C on the keyboard is C8. Notes below C1 are written with 0. The note to the left of C1 is B0. Each time a pitch class is repeated going from left to right on the keyboard, it is in a different ____. The ____ number changes on C.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The ____ accidental makes the note it is written in front of sound
at a lower pitch.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The ____ accidental returns a sharp (raised) or flat (lowered) note to its original state.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
The ____ accidental makes the note it is written in front of sound
at a higher pitch.
Accidentals only change the note for the measure the accidental is written in or until another accidental is written on the same note of the same pitch class and octave register within that same measure.
Accidentals only change the octave register of the pitch class on which they are written.
Accidentals (notes with accidentals) that are tied to a note in the next measure or line remain in effect for the duration of all the notes tied to the first note with the accidental.
A natural accidental can cancel out a sharp or flat accidental.
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
____ appear after another accidental to remind the performer which note to play. ____ are a way to be nice to anyone who is playing your music. It makes their job
much easier and clearer, which will usually result in a better performance!
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
Two notes that have different names but sound identical are enharmonic equivalents. Both notes are “spelled” or written differently, and are the same exact pitch. For example, the words “to, too, and two” all sound exactly the same when spoken aloud. When we read or write these words, they create different meanings and are used in different contexts. This type of relationship between two notes is called ____.
Sort these answers into the full musical alphabet (ascending) starting on A at the top, A#/Bb below, and so on.
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Sort these answers into the full musical alphabet (descending) starting on C at the top, B below, and so on.
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Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
Order these notes into an ascending C Chromatic Scale starting on C at the top, followed by C# below C, and so on.
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Order these notes into an ascending C Chromatic Scale starting on C at the top followed by Db below C and so on.
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Order these notes into an ascending G Chromatic Scale starting on G at the top followed by G# below G and so on.
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Order these notes into an ascending G Chromatic Scale starting on G at the top followed by Ab below G and so on.
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Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
What is the Major Step Formula for all major scales?
All major scales can be understood, written, and performed with a formula of whole and half steps (Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half).
All major scales begin and end on the same pitch class, one octave apart.
A major scale can start on any note of the full musical alphabet.
One of each letter is always used in the scale (one A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) before the pitch class that the scale started on repeats. There is “some kind of” A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in every major scale. For example, you will never see F and F# in a major scale together.
Either sharps or flats are used in a major scale. A major scale will never have
both sharp and flat accidentals.
The Major Step Formula stays the same for all major scales.
Order these notes into an ascending C Major Scale starting on C at the top followed by D below C and so on.
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Order these notes into an ascending G Major Scale starting on G at the top followed by A below G and so on.
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Sort the major scale degree names into the correct order from top to bottom. Tonic is at the top.
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Where do key signatures go?
Key signatures use sharps, flats, and the lack of sharps and flats to indicate the key
of a piece of music.
Each accidental has a particular line or space it is always written on for key signatures. For example, F# in a key signature for treble clef is always written on the top line of the staff.
When an accidental is on a line or space of a key signature, it changes all notes of that pitch class. For example: a # on the F line (line 5) in the key signature means all octave registers of F are to be written, read, and performed as F#s.
The key signature of C major has
The key signature of G major has
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
All natural minor scales can be understood, written, and performed with a formula of whole and half steps (Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole).
All natural minor scales begin and end on the same pitch class, one octave apart.
A natural minor scale can start on any note of the full musical alphabet.
In all natural minor scales, one of each letter is always used in the scale (one A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) before the pitch class that the scale started on repeats.
Either sharps or flats are used in a natural minor scale. A natural minor scale will never have both sharp and flat accidentals.
The minor step formula stays the same for all natural minor scales.
What is the Minor Step Formula?
Order these notes into an ascending A Natural Minor Scale starting on A at the top followed by B below A and so on.
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Order these notes into an ascending E Natural Minor Scale starting on E at the top followed by F# below E and so on.
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What note does the relative natural minor scale of a C major scale start on?
What note does the relative natural minor scale of a G major scale start on?
What note does the relative major scale of an A natural minor scale start on?
What note does the relative major scale of an E natural minor scale start on?
This is the key signature for
This is the key signature for
Sort the natural minor scale degree names into the correct order from top to bottom. Tonic is at the top.
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Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____s are a quick way of distilling the basic differences between major and minor down to a simple five-note comparison.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
An ____ is the distance between two pitches or two notes. A simple ____ is any ____ that is an octave or smaller than an octave.
Is this interval
Is this interval
Is this interval
Match the interval quality abbreviation to the full interval quality name.
Match the interval direction abbreviation to the full interval direction name.
Select the interval distances that can be major.
Select the interval distances that can be minor.
Select the interval distances that can be Perfect.
Interval distance: Match the “some kind of” interval to the notes
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Interval distance: Match the “some kind of” interval to the notes
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Interval distance: Match the “some kind of” interval to the notes
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Match the number of half steps to the interval distance. Ask yourself “how many half steps is a (m/M 2/3).
What order should you do these steps in to name an interval? Step 1 goes on top, Step 3 goes on the bottom.
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Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ is when two or more pitches (notes) sound at the same time. Melody is horizontal, ____ is vertical, as well as horizontal.
All chords that have 3 notes are triads.
Which word is correct for all blank spaces?
____ are the notes that are in a chord. ____ have names, just like scale degrees. ____ are not scale degrees but we can understand them with scale degrees. We can quickly find ____ for triads in the major and minor pentachord.
How do chord tones relate to scale degrees?
What is the only chord tone that changes from a major to a minor triad?
What is the quality of a triad?
Select all that are true for major triads.
Select all that are true for minor triads.
A triad can be built (build a snowman), or written on every scale degree of any scale. This means you take any scale degree, call it the root of a new triad, then write a third and fifth above that scale degree.
Each triad uses only notes from the scale of the scale degree the triad is built from. For example, when you harmonize a C major scale, you will only use notes from the C major scale in each triad to figure out which accidentals to use. In the C major scale there are no accidentals.
Every harmonized major scale follows the same Major Scale Triad Quality Formula: Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major, Minor for the first six notes of the scale.
What is the Major Scale Triad Quality Formula for the first six notes of the scale?
What is the correct order of triads from a harmonized C major scale? Start with C on top.
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What is the correct order of triads from a harmonized G major scale? Start with G on top.
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All roman numerals that represent or show a major chords are
All roman numerals that represent or show a minor chords are
Match the major roman numeral to the number it shows/represents.
Match the minor roman numeral to the number it shows/represents.
Match the Roman numeral to the correct chord for a harmonized C major scale.
Match the Roman numeral to the correct chord for a harmonized G major scale.
When you harmonize an A natural minor scale, you will only use notes from the A natural minor scale in each triad to figure out which accidentals to use.
Every harmonized natural minor scale follows the same Natural Minor Scale Triad Quality Formula: Minor, SKIP, Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major.
What is the correct order of triads from a harmonized A natural minor scale? Start with A- on top.
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What is the correct order of triads from a harmonized E natural minor scale? Start with E- on top.
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Match the Roman numeral to the correct chord for a harmonized A natural minor scale.
Match the Roman numeral to the correct chord for a harmonized E natural minor scale.
What are the three steps to identifying the key of a leadsheet?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Each key signature has a relative major and minor key that both use the same key signature.
Match the relative keys
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
A ____ is two or more chords played in a row. Many songs are built out of one or more ____s and the chords repeat throughout the song.
The common chord progression of
I vi IV V
shows a
The common chord progression of
I V vi IV
shows a
The common chord progression of
vi IV I V
shows a
Which words are correct for all blank spaces?
There are a few ____ that can point to if a song is probably in the major or minor relative key. Pay special attention to the notes that land on the strongest and strong beats of each measure, since the strongest and strong beats are more important in our musical culture.
Match the Common Notes with the scale degrees.
Major key Common Notes first few measures
Minor key Common Notes first few measures
Major key Common Notes last few measures
Minor key Common Notes last few measures
What are the three steps to help identify the key of a melody in a leadsheet?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3