The Best Modern Piano Book for Beginners 1

- For adults and teens, play your favorite songs! Rock, pop, video game music, CCM, and even more modern genres on piano or electric keyboard.
- Comes with 135+ FREE video examples so you can hear how the music should sound which means no more guessing or wondering if you are doing it right. ($134.99 Value!)
- Comes with 10 easy beginner songs FREE ($49.99 Value!)
- Comes with FREE 30-day Practice Journal so you can stay on track which means no more worrying or wondering if you are making progress, you will know you are getting better! ($9.99 Value!)
- Easy to understand explanations so you can save time by learning the important things that will actually allow you to play music.
- Save 100s of hours of time with tips and tricks used by the pros so you can stop wasting time playing guitar the wrong way and actually make progress. (pages 56-57)
- How to understand your piano so you can stop feeling lost and play with confidence. (pages 23-25)
The Best Modern Piano Book for Beginners 1 gives you everything you need to know as a beginner piano or keyboard player, from the names of the keys through playing full songs. You will learn the skills to play your favorite songs, hacks, tips, and tricks for reading music, and how to have fun playing the piano. This book comes with 135+ free video examples to take your playing to the next level.
135+ FREE Video Examples ($134.99 Value!)
Hear how the music should sound which means no more guessing or wondering if you are doing it right.
FREE 10 easy beginner songs ($49.99 Value!)
10 songs every beginners should know so you can start playing now!
FREE 30-day Practice aJournal ($9.99 Value!)
No more worrying or wondering if you are making progress, you will know you are getting better!
How to Play Your Favorite Songs and Read Music
- For adults and teens, play your favorite songs! Rock, pop, video game music, CCM, and even more modern genres on piano or electric keyboard.
- Comes with 135+ FREE video examples so you can hear how the music should sound which means no more guessing or wondering if you are doing it right. ($134.99 Value!)
- Comes with 10 easy beginner songs FREE ($49.99 Value!)
- Comes with FREE 30-day Practice Journal so you can stay on track which means no more worrying or wondering if you are making progress, you will know you are getting better! ($9.99 Value!)
- Easy to understand explanations so you can save time by learning the important things that will actually allow you to play music.
- Save 100s of hours of time with tips and tricks used by the pros so you can stop wasting time playing guitar the wrong way and actually make progress. (pages 56-57)
- How to understand your piano so you can stop feeling lost and play with confidence. (pages 23-25)